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The Review subsection in AML Pulse provides a platform for second-level or more detailed review of customer screening results. If the initial reviewer raises concerns or requires further investigation, the customer’s details are sent to the review section for a more comprehensive assessment.

Reviewing Customer Details

The Review section displays the customer’s details, screening results, and any supporting documentation provided by the onboarding team. The reviewer carefully examines this information to identify potential risks and determine the appropriate course of action.

Customer Category Selection

The reviewer selects the appropriate customer category from the dropdown menu. The options include:

  • Individual

  • Politically Exposed Person (PEP)

  • Close Relative or Associate of PEP

  • Non-Resident Individual

  • Customer from a High-Risk Jurisdiction

  • Customer with Suspicious Activity

  • Entity/Corporate/Legal Person

  • Sole Proprietorship

  • Limited Liability Company (LLC)

  • Public Shareholding Company (PJSC)

  • Private Shareholding Company

  • Government Entity

  • Trust/Non-Profit Organization

  • Offshore Company

  • Freezone Company

  • Money Services Businesses (MSBS)

  • Virtual Asset Service Provider (VASP)

Location/Jurisdiction Assessment

The reviewer assesses the customer’s location or jurisdiction and selects the appropriate risk rating from the dropdown menu. The options include:

  • High Risk

  • Medium Risk

  • Low Risk

Business Activity Risk Assessment

The reviewer evaluates the customer’s business activity and selects the appropriate risk rating from the dropdown menu. The options include:

  • High Risk

  • Medium Risk

  • Low Risk

Review Note

The reviewer provides a detailed review note summarizing their assessment of the customer’s risk profile and any concerns identified.

Review Assessment Note

The reviewer provides a concise assessment note highlighting the key findings of their review and any recommended actions.

Overall Risk Rating

The reviewer assigns an overall risk rating to the customer based on their comprehensive assessment. The options include:

  • High

  • Medium

  • Low

Review Action

The reviewer selects the appropriate review action from the dropdown menu. The options include:

  • Approve Customer

  • Require Further Investigation

  • Reject Customer

Next Steps

Based on the review action selected, the customer’s status will be updated accordingly. If the customer is approved, they can be onboarded and integrated into the system. If further investigation is required, the onboarding team will gather the requested information and resubmit the customer for review. If the customer is rejected, they will not be onboarded, and the reasons for rejection will be documented.

Additional Considerations

  • Reviewer expertise: The reviewer should have a thorough understanding of AML regulations, risk assessment methodologies, and customer due diligence procedures.

  • Documentation: The reviewer should thoroughly review all supporting documentation provided by the onboarding team.

  • Communication: The reviewer should communicate with the onboarding team if they require further clarification or additional information.

  • Compliance: Effective review practices help businesses maintain compliance with AML regulations and mitigate potential risks.

Additional Review and Analysis

The second-level reviewer in the Review subsection of AML Pulse plays a crucial role in conducting a thorough and comprehensive assessment of customer details and screening results. They perform additional review and analysis to ensure that the customer onboarding process is rigorous, risk-based, and compliant with AML regulations.

Key Responsibilities of the Second-Level Reviewer

  1. Scrutinize Customer Details: The second-level reviewer meticulously examines the customer’s KYC (Know Your Customer) information, including personal details, financial information, and business activities, to identify any inconsistencies or potential red flags.

  2. Analyze Screening Results: The reviewer carefully analyzes the screening results, paying close attention to any matches against sanctions lists, PEPs (Politically Exposed Persons), criminal databases, high-risk jurisdictions, and other relevant watchlists.

  3. Assess Risk Profile: Based on their in-depth review, the reviewer evaluates the customer’s overall risk profile, considering factors such as customer category, location/jurisdiction assessment, business activity risk assessment, and any identified concerns.

  4. Recommend Further Actions: The reviewer provides informed recommendations on the appropriate course of action for the customer, taking into account the risk assessment and any identified concerns. The recommendations may include:

    • Approve Customer: If the customer’s risk profile is deemed acceptable and no concerns are identified, the reviewer may recommend approving the customer for onboarding.

    • Require Further Investigation: If the reviewer requires additional information or clarification to fully assess the customer’s risk profile, they may recommend further investigation. This may involve requesting additional documentation, conducting further screening, or seeking expert advice.

    • Reject Customer: If the customer’s risk profile is deemed too high or if significant concerns are identified that cannot be mitigated, the reviewer may recommend rejecting the customer for onboarding. This decision should be based on a thorough risk assessment and documented accordingly.

Collaboration with Onboarding Team

The second-level reviewer maintains open communication with the onboarding team to ensure a seamless and efficient review process. They may request additional information, clarify discrepancies, or seek further explanations to complete their assessment. This collaborative approach ensures that all relevant information is considered and that the onboarding team is kept informed of the review status and any required actions.

Compliance and Risk Mitigation

The second-level reviewer plays a critical role in upholding the integrity of the onboarding process and mitigating potential risks for the business. By conducting thorough reviews, providing informed recommendations, and collaborating effectively with the onboarding team, the second-level reviewer helps ensure that AML Pulse is used effectively to comply with AML regulations and safeguard the business from financial crimes.

Additional Considerations

  • Expertise: The second-level reviewer should have a comprehensive understanding of AML regulations, risk assessment methodologies, customer due diligence procedures, and investigative techniques.

  • Judgment: The reviewer should exercise sound judgment and critical thinking skills to make informed decisions based on the available evidence and risk assessment.

  • Documentation: The reviewer should meticulously document their review findings, recommendations, and rationale for their decisions.

  • Communication: The reviewer should maintain clear and concise communication with the onboarding team to facilitate a smooth and efficient review process.