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CRM System

The CRM Settings section in AML Pulse provides a centralized platform for configuring and customizing your CRM system to align with your specific business needs and processes.


The Pipeline settings allow you to define the stages of your sales pipeline, which represent the progression of potential customers from initial contact to closure. You can add, edit, or remove stages to tailor the pipeline to your specific sales process.

Lead Stages

Within the Pipeline settings, you can manage the lead stages, which represent the steps in the lead nurturing process. You can create custom lead stages, such as New Lead, Qualified Lead, Hot Lead, and Ready for Conversion, to track the progress of potential customers through the early stages of your sales pipeline.

Deal Stages

The Deal Stages settings allow you to define the stages of your deals pipeline, which represent the progression of potential deals from proposal to closure. You can create custom deal stages, such as Negotiation, Approval, Closed-Won, and Closed-Lost, to track the advancement of deals through the sales cycle.


The Sources settings enable you to manage the sources from which leads originate, such as website, referral, email, or social media. You can add, edit, or remove sources to accurately categorize the origination of your leads and gain insights into your marketing efforts.


The Labels settings allow you to create and manage custom labels to categorize and organize your leads, deals, and contacts. You can assign labels based on various criteria, such as industry, location, or product interest, to enhance organization and facilitate targeted communication.

Contract Type

The Contract Type settings enable you to define the types of contracts used in your business dealings. You can create custom contract types, such as Sales Agreement, Service Agreement, and Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), to accurately categorize your contracts and maintain consistency in contract management.

By configuring these CRM settings, you can tailor the AML Pulse CRM system to suit your unique business processes, optimize sales pipeline management, and enhance customer relationship management.