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The Screening section in AML Pulse is a critical component of the onboarding process, ensuring that your customers are screened against global sanctions lists, PEPs (Politically Exposed Persons), criminal databases, high-risk jurisdictions, and other relevant watchlists. This comprehensive screening helps you identify potential risks and maintain compliance with AML regulations.

Screening Customer List

The Screening section displays a list of your customers awaiting screening. Each row represents a single customer and includes the following information:

  • Customer Name: The name of the customer.

  • Screening Status: Indicates whether the customer has been screened (Completed) or not (Pending).

  • Manage: A dropdown menu with the option to “Run Screening.”

Running Screening

To run a screening for a specific customer, click on the “Manage” dropdown menu and select “Run Screening.” This will initiate the screening process, comparing the customer’s information against various watchlists and databases.

Screening Results

Once the screening is complete, the results will be displayed below the customer list. The results may include:

  • Matched Sanctions: Indicates whether the customer matches any entries on global sanctions lists.

  • PEP: Indicates whether the customer is a PEP or associated with a PEP.

  • Criminal: Indicates whether the customer has a criminal record or is associated with individuals with criminal records.

  • High-Risk Jurisdiction: Indicates whether the customer is located in or conducts business in a high-risk jurisdiction.

  • Other Matches: Indicates any other relevant matches found during the screening process.

Saving and Reviewing Screening Results

The screening results can be saved for future reference and review. If there are any positive matches, partial matches, or concerning information, the screening results can be sent for review by a designated reviewer.

Sending Screening Results for Review

To send the screening results for review, click on the “Review” button. This will notify the reviewer of the pending review and provide them with access to the screening results and supporting documentation.

Review Process

The reviewer will carefully examine the screening results and supporting documentation. They may request additional information or clarification from the onboarding team if necessary. Based on their assessment, the reviewer will either approve the customer or request further investigation.

Next Steps

Upon approval from the reviewer, the customer can be onboarded and integrated into your system. If further investigation is required, the onboarding team will gather the requested information and resubmit the customer for review.

Additional Considerations

  • Screening frequency: Customers should be screened periodically to maintain ongoing risk assessment.

  • Watchlist updates: AML Pulse regularly updates its watchlists to ensure they are current and comprehensive.

  • Compliance with regulations: Effective screening practices help businesses comply with AML regulations and mitigate potential risks.

By effectively utilizing the Screening section in AML Pulse, you can safeguard your business from financial crimes, protect your reputation, and maintain compliance with AML regulations.