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The Deals tab in AML Pulse provides a centralized platform for managing your sales opportunities. It allows you to track the progress of potential deals from initial proposal to closure.

Deals Dashboard

The Deals dashboard displays a summary of your deals in a tabular format. Each row represents a single deal and includes the following information:

  • Name: The name of the deal.

  • Amount: The total value of the deal.

  • Stage: The current stage of the deal in the sales pipeline. Possible stages include Negotiation, Approval, Closed-Won, and Closed-Lost.

  • Tasks: The number of outstanding tasks associated with the deal.

  • Users: The staff member assigned to the deal.

  • Manage: A menu with two options: View and Edit.

Viewing Deal Details

To view the details of a specific deal, click on the “View” option under the “Manage” dropdown menu. This will open a new window with detailed information about the deal, including:

  • Overview: Provides a summary of the deal, including name, amount, stage, users, and creation date.

  • Timeline: Displays a chronological timeline of events related to the deal, such as proposal submission, negotiation milestones, and closure date.

  • Products/Services: Lists the products or services included in the deal, along with their quantities and pricing.

  • Contacts: Lists the key contacts involved in the deal, including their names, roles, and contact information.

  • Communication: Allows for internal communication and collaboration regarding the deal.

  • Notes: Provides a space for adding notes and comments about the deal.

  • Documents: Enables uploading and managing documents related to the deal, such as proposals, contracts, and invoices.

  • Activity: Displays a timeline of recent activities related to the deal.

Editing Deal Details

To edit the details of a specific deal, click on the “Edit” option under the “Manage” dropdown menu. This will open a new window where you can modify the deal’s information, including name, amount, stage, assigned user, and associated products/services.

Managing Deals

The Deals tab allows you to effectively manage your sales pipeline by:

  • Tracking deal progress: Monitor the movement of deals through the sales pipeline to identify opportunities and potential risks.

  • Assigning deals: Assign deals to specific staff members based on their expertise and availability.

  • Viewing deal details: Access comprehensive information about each deal to make informed decisions.

  • Communicating and collaborating: Utilize communication threads, notes, and documents to collaborate with team members and stay updated on deal progress.

  • Managing tasks: Assign and track tasks related to each deal to ensure timely follow-up and action.

  • Attaching documents: Upload and manage documents relevant to each deal, such as proposals, contracts, invoices, and customer correspondence.

  • Reviewing activity history: Track recent interactions and activities associated with each deal to stay informed and make informed decisions.